

7:30 - 9:30 pm

7:30 - 9:30 pm



Adults (18+)

Junior (-17)



$30 per month membership (*)

$25 per month membership (*)

$10 per class


(*) $20 annual Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute membership fee per family is required upon joining our dojo. This fee is good for 12 months.


How to Join
We accept new members throughout the year. There is no wait list. To become a member simply visit us at any practice night (Monday or Thursday) between 7:30 - 9:30 pm. Sign papers, pay the membership fees and you're ready to roll!

一年を通して新規メンバーを受け付けております。決まった加入時期はありません。 メンバーになる手続きは簡単です。まず練習日に道場にお越し下さい(月/火、午後7:30−9:30)。 必要書類を記入し会費を納めて頂ければ、その日から練習に参加頂けます。



Hollywood Judo Dojo is located within the Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute.

3929 Middlebury St., Los Angeles, CA 90004

Exit Vermont on 101 Fwy. We are just seconds away from the freeway exit.

View location on GOOGLE MAP



Best way to contact us is through email.
Click here to email us.


Tel: 323-666-8146
Phone calls may not be answered if staff members are unavailable. Best to call on Monday and Thursday, 7:00 - 9:30 pm.




Brief history of Hollywood Judo Dojo
(Originally written in 2002. Updated in 2011 by Gary Freeman.)

Hollywood Judo Dojo was founded in 1932 by the Issei (first generation) Japanese who lived in this area. Their aim in starting Judo was for the betterment of the young people in this community and the development of the physical, mental and moral character through this art. The property was bought by, and the Dojo was built by, Issei members of the Judo Dojo through funds donated by the Dojo members and the Japanese residents in this area.

The first sensei (instructor) was Mr. Yokoyama, Yodan (4th degree black belt) from Japan. He was succeeded by Mr. Tadasu Iida, also Yodan, who remained as head instructor until 1941. The Dojo was closed during the war years due to the expulsion and incarceration of all persons of Japanese ancestry living in the West Coast into concentration camps for the duration of World War II.

In 1945, after the war ended, the Japanese returned to California and Hollywood Dojo reopened with instructor Takashi Kikuchi, Hichidan (7th degree black belt) at the helm. Kikuchi Sensei was a student at Hollywood Dojo during the pre-war days. Kikuchi Sensei retired in the 1970's.

Assistant instructor, Frank Emi, became head instructor at this time. Emi sensei, Hachidan (8th degree) and assistant instructor, Arthur Emi, Rokudan, were students at Hollywood Dojo since 1937. Another instructor who was a prominent member of Hollywood Dojo from the post-war period until his retirement in the late 1970's, was assistant instructor Frank Watanuki, Godan (5th degree black belt). Emi Sensei was head instructor until December 2010.

Hollywood Dojo has had its share of honors in both team competition and individual championships. After winning the California State team championship for three consecutive years, Hollywood retired the State team championship banner in 1956.

Individual national championships developed at Hollywood Dojo in the various weight divisions are as follows:

Ben Takahashi

130 lbs

Los Angeles 1955

Arthur Emi

150 lbs

Seattle 1956

Gene LaBell

Heavy Weight

San Francisco 1954


Heavy Weight

Los Angeles 1955

(Gene LaBell also won the Grand Championship both years)

Toshiyuki Seino

160 lbs

Tampa, Florida 1960


160 lbs

San Jose 1961


160 lbs

Fresno 1963


160 lbs

San Francisco 1965

Since our old Dojo building had deteriorated to the point where the structure was unsafe, the property was sold and the proceeds used as seed money for the construction of a new multi-purpose building.

We built a large new modern building which houses the Judo Dojo on the ground floor, complete with both men and women's dressing rooms and showers. The second story houses classrooms for a Japanese language school.

As of Oct. 2011, the Senseis at Hollywood Judo Dojo include:
Gary Freeman, Godan (5th degree)
Bob Iwasaki, Sandan (3rd degree)
Philppe Morotti, Nidan (2nd degree)
Masanori Hase, Nidan (2nd degree)

All black belts that help instruct at Hollywood Dojo donate their time and services without compensation.

We welcome anyone who has an interest in learning the art and science of Judo to join our Judo Dojo. The benefits are great. Judo enhances one’s mind, body, self confidence and self defense capabilities.



Frank Emi (8 dan)
2007 Nanka Hall of Fame inductee

9/23/1916 - 12/1/2010


Interview with Frank Emi by Gerald Lenoir from NCRR (Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress)


Articles on Frank Emi:

LA Times by Elaine Woo

Rafu Shimpo by Martha Nakagawa

NY Times by Dennis Hevesi


Frank Emi on YouTube

"Maximum Efficiency"
"Mutual Welfare and Benefit"


Kodokan Judo Institute - International Judo Federation - US Judo Federation - Nanka Judo Yudanshakai

Site Updated: 1-1-12